"Thanks for the Roses" is Valentine U's first EP. Coming from a jazz background, she composes and writes on the piano, but the most important instrument in her songs remains the voice, with a search for purity and abundant harmonies that respond to each other and invite an inner journey. Scheduled for release in autumn 2024, this resolutely pop and melodic debut EP blends jazz and folk influences, drawing inspiration from the likes of Melanie De Biasio and Yael Naim. Valentine explores her ambivalence, torn between the values of an old world and those she wants to choose for herself, on five tracks that are as much about roses as their thorns. Her bewitching universe is characterised by arrangements that are sometimes adventurous, sometimes much simpler and more essential, always carried by her intertwined voices. On stage, Valentine touches the audience with her voice and is a generous and unifying presence, whether accompanied by her many musicians or alone with her piano and guitar.
To put my musical project into visual form, I collaborated with Brussels-based graphic artist Camille Boonen. Together, we explored a world that reflects me and highlights my personal link with each of the compositions on this first EP through "natures mortes".
Tu passes la porte comme une vieille amie
Tu profites de mes failles
Ton voile noire obstrue ma vision
Me voilà prise au piège des flots putrides que tu déverses en moi
Mais tu n'arrêteras pas mon envol
Mes pleurs ont formé une rivière
Mes rires, labouré cette terre
Ensemble, ont cultivé ce beau jardin
Merci pour les roses, merci pour les épines
La lumière jaillit de l'ombre
La beauté est en elle
Merci de me le rappeler
Forte et fragile
Douce et puissante
Si grande et si petite
Je me perds dans ton immensité et me réconforte dans ta générosité
Une goutte tombe sur le sol.
Est-ce que c'est toi?
Le monde s'agite autour pour t'éviter,
Moi je reste immobile
Ta présence m'envahit et chaque perle est le plus précieux des trésors
Merci, j'en avais besoin